Heavyweight VS Lightweight

Heavyweight VS Lightweight

T-shirts are a basic staple in every household. The reason why many people prefer shirts is because they're basic, classy and affordable. However, what many people don't know is that shirts vary depending on whether they're heavyweight or lightweight. Next time you go buy a shirt, be sure to check the label to see what type of shirt you're buying.  

Heavyweight Vs Lightweight: Both heavyweight and lightweight shirts are differentiated by ounces and price range. In comparison to lightweight shirts, heavyweight shirts are a little more expensive and are more weighty in ounces.  However, both types of shirts have benefits and drawbacks, so you can decide which one works best for you.

Heavyweight shirts: These shirts are 6 ounces or more and are best for the winter season. If you want to stay snug during the winter season, these shirts will get the job done. Also, if you're a person who doesn't like shopping, then these shirts are perfect for you. They will last you a long time, so you won't have to go through the hassle of buying again and again.

Lightweight shirts: These shirts are 4.3 ounce or less and perfect for summer. If you're a person who likes to shop for new wardrobe essentials, then you can splurge on lightweight shirts. These shirts are cheaper than heavyweight shirts, so you don't have to feel guilty about spending too much. And when you get tired of  your current selection of t-shirts, you just have to swap them for fresh new tees. 

Versatile shirts: These shirts range between 5.3 ounces, and they can work for all seasons. If you're a person who likes to shop in one go, then we would highly recommend these shirts. You can skip the hassle of storing and buying shirts for each season, and just use shirts that are perfect for any season. Not only will you save the headache of buying more t-shirts, it will make your life much easier.


Heavyweight shirts: 6 ounces, durable and a bit pricey

Lightweight shirts: 4.3 ounces or less, cheaper, and less durable

Versatile t-shirts: 5.3 ounces, seasonal and prices vary

After being educated on this topic, you can now decide which shirt is best for you.

Aug 15th 2022 E-Z Connection Team

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